The Top 1% of Americans
You are working hard and bringing in good income, but are you in America’s top 1% of households for wealth? How do you get there?
Financial success underlies America’s dominance as the largest and richest economy in the world – the land of opportunity – where we all aspire for the American dream.
Who are the top one percent by income and net worth?
The Top 1% and 10% by Income
You are working hard. You think you have a great income, but you don’t feel that rich or wealthy. To become rich and wealthy, either one must innovate like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, or Mark Zuckerberg, or participate in the capital markets through disciplined saving and investing. If you do not save or invest, the journey to become wealthy by simply parking your paycheck in the bank will be very difficult. The cutoff to be in the top 1% of income earners is $475,116 for household income in the United States in 2019.
Income of the Top 10% and Top 1% Household and Worker
Individual Income | Percentile 10.00% | $116,250.00
Household Income | Percentile 10.00% | $184,200.00
Individual Income | Percentile 1.00% | $328,551.00
Household Income | Percentile 1.00% | $475,116.00
The top 1% of America’s richest have household net worth of $10,374,030.10
So you may actually be among America’s top income earners, but are you also among America’s wealthiest?
Net Worth of the 10%, 1%, and .1% Households
Percentile 10.00% | $1,182,390.36
Percentile 2.00% | $5,816,220.17
Percentile 1.00% | $10,374,030.10
Percentile 0.10% | $43,090,281.00
How can you reach the next wealth bracket, even if your income is not that high?
Interestingly, many top income earners are not among the top 1% or even the top 10% of America’s wealthiest households. To get there, one must have a good investment strategy.
People usually make a lot of financial mistakes - here are the top 5 mistakes investors make.
Come to Goldenstone for FREE Financial Planning, FREE Retirement Planning, and the best holistic asset management, and it is our pledge to help you achieve higher wealth levels.